
What is hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a form of short therapy that uses hypnosis to help overcome issues due to subconscious blockages or traumas and bring profound positive changes into your life.

What is hypnosis

Hypnosis is a form of modified state of consciousness that we naturally experience when we’re about to fall asleep, or during a meditation, where the mind starts to show us images and random thoughts pop without us controlling and with a sense of deep relaxation and bliss. It can be also experienced while we dissociate during an activity such as driving or playing a musical instrument. Our thoughts are ‘somewhere else’ and yet, if a danger happens, our full attention comes back immediately. Similarly, during hypnotherapy, we are aware of what is happening and can always stop the process whenever they want.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, no one can force you to be hypnotised or do things against your will. 

Why is hypnotherapy so effective

When someone goes to hypnotherapy with a presenting issue, they usually have tried a lot of things, and feel that they can’t progress any further using will or conventional treatment only. The reason why they can’t progress is because they can’t change the subconscious blockage that is causing the issue.

Our subconscious mind is responsible for our emotions, sensations, beliefs, long term memories and body functions and therefore determines how we behave and perceive the world. This blueprint is accessible easily during hypnosis and in this state, we can change what we want to achieve better life outcomes. 

Overall, most issues caused by the subconscious mind can be treated with hypnotherapy.

Box filled with old photos.

When we experience somatic issues, something in the present triggers unpleasant memories from the past. Our subconscious mind recognises some aspect of the present moment as identical as the problematic memories and the same sensation is revived instantly.

This can be a memory we know consciously, or something we have forgotten or simply never connected to the present issue.

By using a language that the subconscious mind understands instantly such as colours, shapes, music, stories, metaphors, symbols… we can heal from trauma and learn new ways of being, so that we no longer live ‘in the past’.

Violaine Hemery, hypnotherapist in Wellington New Zealand

Hello, I’m Violaine Hemery

I am passionate to help others find their true potential. 

I know what it’s like to struggle with childhood trauma. I have done the work myself, and now can dedicate myself in supporting others to do the same. 

Originally from France, I left my country in 2006 to live in Hong Kong, then Singapore before settling in New Zealand in 2014. I am married, and have two healthily mischieveous and wonderful kids.

I am a certified clinical hypnotherapy and hold a Diploma in Advanced Hypnotherapy recognised by the NZAPH. I dedicate a substantial amount of time learning new techniques and increase my knowledge in hypnotherapy and related fields. 

Topics I Can Help You With


Stress & Anxiety

There are many ways hypnotherapy can be useful for decreasing stress and anxiety. Read more here.


Weight loss

Take those steps to reach your ideal healthy weight. Learn more how hypnosis for weight loss here.


Behaviour addictions

Shop lifting, gambling, nail biting…etc can be all addressed successfully with hypnotherapy.


Trauma Relief

Nightmares, flashbacks, burst of tears or anger, physical triggers, PTSD… Trauma symptoms can be lifted, so you can live a happier life.



Challenge the negative beliefs you have about yourself taken from the environment you grew up in.



Do you feel you are undermining yourself and have no idea why? I can guide you to find why, and help you stop it.



If everyone is telling you to stop working so hard and yet you can’t, you’re burning out. It’s time to step out the hamster wheel.



You ‘know’ this fear is irrational, but your subconscious mind is stuck on “high alert mode”.


Quit smoking

Are you ready to stop spending a fortune for poisoning yourself? Bonus: you’ll be equipped to deal with stress in more sustainable ways.



Problematic drinking has serious health consequences. I can help you reduce, or quit.



Don’t let stress impact your chances of getting pregnant. Hypnosis is also a highly valuable support during this amazing transformation.


Chronic Pain

If you have pain that no specialist can explain, or chronic pain such as phantom pain, it is worth considering hypnotherapy for pain relief.


Would you like to know if I can help you?

Book a FREE Initial Consultation and discuss with me what is bothering you, I’ll will tell you if I can help, or guide you to find the most appropriate service.